Although we are unique, there are 3 major categories when it comes to our body type. You know that person that is naturally thin, can eat a lot and never gain weight? That is the ectomorph. The ones that have an athletic body even if they are not that active, are the mezomorphs, also known as the best body type for bodybuilding. And the ones that seem they were born chubby are the endomorphs. You know, the ones that just smell a cookie and gain weight. ME!

I might look like a mezo ( I am tall, my arms and legs are quite long, my shoulders are broad and my hips are narrow ) but I am an endo… well endo-mezo. Nobody is 100% an ecto, mezo or endo, we are a combination of all 3, we just have more features of one type than the other two.


The endomorphs have solid build bodies and are, in general shorter, with big wrists, broad shoulders, wide hips and a solid trunk with a straight waist. They have big round muscles, especially in the lower body but they also have a higher body fat percentage and a slow metabolism, and that’s why the expressions “I’m getting fat just by drinking water” is almost true 😛 . The advantage of being an endo is that you gain muscle mass in a decent amount of time, the disadvantage is that it is covered with a solid layer of fat. It it generally difficult for an endomorph to loses weight, especially for women and with all the efforts, the weight loss process is slow like a snail and heavy like an elephant. And this is not just a text from a book, it is a reality I live in every day. The endomorphs also might have the tendency to be lazy unfortunately, so maintaining a normal weight can be a constant battle, especially nowadays when we live in an obesogenic environment where food is everywhere and everything is convenient ( ready-made meals, frozen dinners, fast-food, cars, elevators, sitting in front of the pc/smartphone/tablet every day for hours, etc ). This doesn’t mean it is impossible for the endomorph to lose weight, but it does mean that they are the ones that can’t afford to be lazy.

If you recognised yourself in the description, do not let the genetics scare you, on the contrary, you have to understand you have 2 big pluses: you obtain muscle hypertrophy fast and, because of that, you are one of the strongest people, LITERALLY ;-). Most powerlifters are endos.


Another fact is that you can transform as long as you understand what works for you and what doesn’t. I could say “My parents are overweight so it is normal for me to be overweight as well, it’s genetic!”. However this would be a lame excuse for me to keep being lazy and binge eat on a daily basis. So, when I hit rock bottom and got sick of feeling awful, I chose to take action despite the fact that it’s a slow and very hard process. I refused to take the life that was presented to me as ready-made and I chose to write a new script. We create our luck, it doesn’t fall out of the sky.

Exercise wise, you are going to want to focus on fat burning workouts. Choose something you enjoy because it is going to be part of your life for as long as you want to keep the weight off. Remember, we only get  temporary results with temporary changes. I get bored easily so I constantly change routines, mix it up and try new stuff.

HIIT is the best but you can also go with Low Intensity Fat Burning. The first is high intensity and usually, high impact as well, only takes just 25-30 min of your time and stimulates your metabolism, keeping your body burning more for hours after you stop. The second one can be done for longer and has less impact on your joints, but once you stop, the fat burning stops as well. It is what you see on the treadmills as the “fat burning” heart rate zone, which is somewhere between 55% and 65% of your maximum heart rate. To find out your maximum heart rate, use the simple formula 220-Your Age= Maximum Heart Rate. Some experts insist that this is not doing anything for you but I am here to confirm it does. Yes, HIIT stimulates the metabolism and the whole body in so many ways, but what if you can’t do it? Or hate it? Or have serious injuries? Or rheumatoid arthritis, like me? Most days I can do HIIT, however I have some days when the pain is so bad that an hour of power walk or elliptical is the only thing I can do. So in those days, I am staying with the low impact workouts for an hour. It can be boring, it might not bring big changes, fast, but it’s way better then just sitting on the sofa.

 Choose the one that agrees with your ability, level of fitness, injuries, etc. or combine both of them. Depending on your goal and how your body responds, you are going to need at least 2 sessions per week. For some endos even 4 are needed. I always aim for 2-3 sessions per week.

Nutrition wise, keep it as clean and as fresh as you can. Make sure you eat your veggies and always make your plate colorful. Home made soups are also your best friend . The simple carbohidrates are your worst enemy, as with everyone but especially when you are an endo. So no white bread, desserts full of sugar, white pastas and rice, no deep fried food, sauces and processed food in general, not more than 1 portion of fruits per day, preferably in the first part of the day and also limit the intake of fermented dairy products. To follow me on Instagram for exercise ideas and healthy food, click here:  

And just understand that even if it takes you longer, you can reach your goal. Consistency is key!

I don’t know who said “Be the best version of you” but he or she knew what they were saying. It’s pointless to compare yourself with others when us humans are UNIQUE. Have a healthy lifestyle and learn how to feel good in your own skin. I finally understood that the only thing I want to be is healthy, not slim, and that made me feel free and offered me more inner peace.

Before, I constantly stressed myself out about getting slimmer and about what people think of me. The truth is that I worked my ass off to fix 25 years of bad habits. And I am still working my ass of just to be able to keep a healthy and normal weight. And I am grateful for the struggle as it made me learn a lot about health and fitness. Yes, there are still signs of the ex fat girl on my body, yes I would like to be able to keep a lower body fat percentage easier . But in the meantime, I just want to be HEALTHY!

So, if you are the solid one, the overweight teenager that others laugh at in the school yard, or the chubbiest person in your group, know that YOU and only YOU can decide if you want to stay like that or do something about it.

The time is passing by anyway, wouldn’t it be great to pass in your favour?

Ada Florea

Certified Level 4 Personal Trainer

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