One of the biggest traps when it comes to fitness and wellness is that the best personal trainer is the one that has a killer body. Well, I met a lot of very lean looking personal trainers that talked nonsense and were completely clueless when it came to basic knowledge.

   I have to say I am quite enraged about what is happening around me. I talked and worked with a lot of people that had suffered injuries whilst working with a personal trainer, people that got their knees destroyed because you need to “push yourself harder” because “no pain, no gain”, people that had postural problems from performing with bad form until exhaustion, recommendations of keto diet and carb cycling aka the “destroy your health to lose some kilos”-diets and the list goes on.

   It’s a shame, I would really like seeing more fit, healthy and happy people around me, not more heavier and depressed people that think they will never feel or look good.

   Nowadays, you just turn around and out pops a personal trainer and I have to say it is not that easy as you would expect to find a good one. The looks are important when it comes to an industry that focuses on health and fitness, however that doesn’t mean it is everything!

   The fact that a personal trainer looks good, slim, lean or big doesn’t mean he or she can make you look good too. Of course, saying you can help somebody look good when you are obviously overweight should be an indicator that you have no idea what you are talking about and you are a false expert. But let’s not judge a book by it’s cover, right?

   For me, a former fat girl that had allowed to be taken advantage of ( ), the knowledge is just a little more important than the looks. A personal trainer has to be able to adapt the training and even the basic nutrition to every client and not train everyone the same.

    So really, how can you actually know that the personal trainer is good? Well you can ask to see some certifications even though you can learn a lot of theory but don’t know how to actually apply it. Still, do not ignore the importance of the official certification. I would recommend asking some questions and using your common sense. Don’t be shy, ask questions, you are going to pay this person, you want to know your health is in good hands, no?

   Also, observe their posture. You will immediately see the personal trainers that have big muscles but their posture looks like a question mark. You are looking for someone who knows the importance of correct form and a good posture, that has good knowledge, good training techniques ( not “give me 50 burpees” when you can’t even jump ) and actually have an interest in your overall health.

   There are personal trainers that make a priority to stay on top of the science, not looking lean all year long. These are the trainers that use the time to learn new things and they also focus on their clients more. IDEALLY, THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF BOTH THEIR KNOWLEDGE AND THEIR LOOKS. So if you see that your personal trainer cares, researches, constantly check up on you, insists on correct form, supports you and cheers you on ( without putting on a loud show in the middle of the gym, oh I hate that ), then you are in good hands!

   And last but not least, let’s not forget that personal trainers are humans as well so they can have, just like anybody, personal problems. I think you will agree with me when I say there are moments in life when looking exceptionally good becomes a second priority.

   So choose wisely, ask questions and use your common sense.

PS: I am not saying most of the personal trainers are clueless. This article has the goal to inform and help people choose better. What I am saying is that there are a lot of professionals out there so it would be a shame to waste money, time and your heath on the bad ones. .

I wish you good health! 

Ada Florea

Certified Level 4 Personal Trainer

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