“Physical exercise is performed for various reasons, including increasing growth and development, preventing aging, strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system, honing athletic skills, weight loss or maintenance, and merely enjoyment.”. Source https://en.wikipedia.org/

The training is the one that helps you sculpt your body. Yes, nutrition counts in a bigger percentage, but without the physical exercise, the process is not complete.

The workout changes you – physically and mentally. When you see the changes in the mirror and start working out with joy, you feel better in your skin, you become more positive and you develop the desire to eat healthy. You start loving your body and care more about your health because you start RESPECTING YOURSELF!

There are lots of types of workouts, every method has something special. Some people prefer a more systematic type of training, while other people like the new and nonconformist ways. I personally love them all. Applied correctly, any type of workout will help, as long as you pick the one you like.

The process of changing your body and gaining your health back is complex and if it is done correctly, it can turn into something wonderful. There is a type of training for anyone, even for the person that never worked out in their life and thinks they won’t like it. I heard more than once “I cannot believe I actually started enjoying this, I never thought it will happened in a million years, I honestly thought I will hate every minute of it! Now I can’t wait for us to start working out”. So trust me, you will like it 😉

Be healthy!